Monday, June 29, 2015

Justice Reigns Supreme

#NOTsoRandom fact about President Barack Obama: This is what it looks like when a former Constituional Law professor, now serving as President, learns the Supreme Court upheld the tax penalties for the Affordable Care Act:

(CREDIT: The photo above was taken by White House photographer Pete Souza)


The week of June 21st saw two major scores settled by the Supreme Court. Proponents of each were happy that the "score" tipped in their favor.

YAY...the Affordable Care Act survived another legal challenge!

After reading the opinion for myself, I reluctantly concede to understanding why opponents have lead themselves to believe that Chief Justice Roberts exercised some "creativity" when structuring the majority opinion. However, I do NOT think the Supreme Court exceeded its constitutional authority. The Court's use of legislative intent to interpret laws is NOT a new concept or action. BESIDES, a greater good was served here: access to and affordability of health care has improved for many under the Affordable Care Act. Protecting domestic public health is NOT judicial activism, it's an exercise of patriotic compassion and common sense.   

BUT, WAIT...the Affordable Care Act is still susceptible to attack. READ this great summary outlining how:

YAY...the legal impediment to marriage for my same-gender loving peeps has been removed!

A rainbow-colored ray of sunshine emanated brightly on an otherwise overcast Friday morning as our nation's highest court held that same-gender loving people are to be treated equally under the law. Masterfully woven into a legal opinion supported by precedent, Justice Kennedy discussed same-gender relationships with respect for humanity and spirit of inclusion it deserved.

BUT, WAIT...changing a law on paper does not change hearts, minds or realities.

Two weeks ago, my friend had to bury her teenage cousin. The teen girl's mother kicked her out of the house because the mother hoped the streets would take away the teen girl's desire to love someone of the same gender. Unfortunately, the streets took the teen girl's life and innocence instead. She was brutally murdered while trying to arrange a ride to get to a safe place. 

Let me send up this truth on Tuesday, June 30, 2015: last week's judicial successes ought to be celebrated. But, the game isn't over yet. Several more points need to be made. Unfortunately, we aren't playing for titles, rings or money. This "game" is a fierce and serious fight to protect what each of us should hold dear: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

*drinks Gatorade and warms up for the next phase of play*

P.S. Whether you support or oppose the recent rulings of the Supreme Court, you MUST accept those legal opinions ARE the law of the land. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Let's Talk About Sex

#NOTsoRandom fact about me: I am passionate about public health-related education and advocacy :-D

This upcoming Saturday, June 27, 2015 is National HIV Testing Day!!!

#CallToAction : Approximately, one (1) in seven (7) people are currently living with HIV (BUT, unaware of their status). Take an affirmative step to learn your current status (and encourage your friends and family to do the same)!!! 

OPTION 1: Use this link to find out where testing locations and care centers are located:

OPTION 2: If you are a little more private/low-key, use this link to find out where to purchase an in-home testing kit from a store near you:

ANNNNNND, whether you choose option 1 or 2, become a stigma buster by sharing your testing experience with your family and friends. On social media, use #NHTD. Encourage EVERYONE YOU KNOW to learn their status :-D

By the way, I acknowledge that even in 2015, some people may avoid getting tested due to self-imposed (and community reinforced) stigma and fear. HOWEVER, the truth remains that we cannot address what we are not aware of. Intentional avoidance is irresponsible, unacceptable and inexcusable. Any alleged "benefits" of not getting tested are FAR OUTWEIGHED by the risks and disadvantages of not knowing your status. 

BOTTOM-LINE: Each of us should feel empowered to embrace the theme: “Take the Test. Take Control.”

So, let me send this truth up on this Tuesday, June 23, 2015:
If you consider yourself mentally and emotionally mature enough to physically express your attraction and affection, 
love yourself enough and respect your partner enough to know your status.

P.S. If you test results are negative, do all that you can to keep it that way.

P.S.S. And if you test results are positive, process that reality as you must. BUT, don't forget to breathe. Honey, your life isn’t over. An HIV diagnosis is NOT the death sentence it once was. Find peace in the fact there is an EXPANSIVE network of consumers and providers of HIV/AIDS care and treatment who are ready and willing to assist you in the next phase of your journey. Getting tested is only the beginning of the:

(Click this link for more information:

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Don't Sleep On This

#NOTsoRandom fact about me: I believe #BlackLivesMatter and that there MUST to be a BROADER discussion of the combative way in which law enforcement engages diverse communities in BOTH urban AND SUBURBAN SETTINGS

THANKFULLY, no human lives were lost as a result of the pool party incident in McKinney, Texas. ANNNNND at least there's a halfway decent argument that the teens and young adults who were "invited" had the right to be there. BUT, given the current contentious climate and regrettable realities of community and law enforcement interactions, ANY of those teens and young adults could've been dead right! Unfortunately, there was one casualty: although these were teens and young adults, my heart aches for the collective innocence that was surely lost as a result.

Likely in response to the pool party incident in McKinney, Texas, the video below was played during the 8a service at Alfred Street Baptist Church this past Sunday:

#CallToAction please share this video with those who are young (and young at heart). I further encourage you to have open and honest discussions about police interactions.

After church, my spirit still stirred. For the past several days, since I heard about the pool party incident in McKinney, Texas, I’ve sifted through MANY “mainstream media” reports as well as SEVERAL liberal left-wing AND conservative right wing social media posts in a robust attempt to separate genuine fact from radicalized fiction based on ideological rhetoric.  ANNNNND maybe it's the mediator in me, BUT, I can view the pool party incident in McKinney, Texas from MULTIPLE perspectives. From what I’ve gleaned, there was A LOT that wasn't done well by SEVERAL people involved in the pool party incident in McKinney, Texas (and a few things were arguably done "right"): 

(1) To the extent that there were unruly and/or "uninvited" youth and young adults attempting to break into the community pool for the party, incite mob violence, and/or otherwise engage in acts of vandalism afterwards, it makes total sense to me that "concerned neighbors" would call the police. It is COMPLETELY REASONABLE to want to feel safe where you live! At the same damn time, I am STILL VERY DISAPPOINTED in the BLATANT DISREGARD for rules and authority by so many of today's teens and young adults OF ALL RACES. Anyone (especially a black or brown person) who acts in that DISHONORABLE way should be ASHAMED for stooping to a narrow-minded person’s deplorably low expectation of them! Honestly, the "cure" starts at home. While growing up, each of us should learn how to behave civilly, choose our battles wisely AND follow instructions first, so we can live to fight for justice (or just fellowship with our friends) another day. 

(2) YES, I've read that the police officers were allegedly "outnumbered initially" and "unable gain control of an "out of control" scene." And NO, I have not seen a recording that showed or read a corroborated report that asserted the police officers initially attempted to interact with the teens and young adults at the scene of the pool party in a less combative way. BUT, based on the YouTube video clip I watched, I am STILL VERY UPSET with the police officer for using what appears to be excessive force to pin down a black teen girl in her swimsuit AND for cowardly brandishing his weapon at presumably unarmed youth who were allegedly trying to deescalate the situation! Based on the words I could hear and body language I observed, it just does NOT seem reasonable to me for a police officer to be threatened by that black teenage girl in a bikini (and/or her friends) at that moment. This situation reaffirms the necessity for parents to have 'the talk' about law enforcement interactions with BOTH their sons AND DAUGHTERS. [06.10.15 UPDATE: I have mixed feelings about the resignation. Honestly, I do NOT view the corporal's resignation while under investigation as justice or “a win” because he NEITHER explained NOR apologized for his behavior. While I believe his actions were unjustified, they were NOT unforgivable. Personally, I would’ve liked to see him accept responsibility for his actions and go through some kind of sensitivity training or other systemic-level/type of rehabilitation. The only thing that made my lips curl upward into a half of a smile was what the McKinney Police Chief had to say at the press conference: "Our policies, our training, and our practice do not support his actions...[The Officer] came into the call out of control and, as the video shows, was out of control during the incident.” Well stated, sir. Hope you meant it. Kudos to your Olivia Pope!]

(3) Even though I've heard conflicting reports about the verbal turned physical altercation between another Black teen girl and her adult Caucasian female neighbor, I am STILL VERY FRUSTRATED that in 2015 the Black teen girl had to prove that she belonged in the suburban neighborhood in which she lived (as opposed to Section 8 housing *angrily sighs and rolls eyes* :-/ ). Racist/Classist undertones of the adult Caucasian female neighbor's alleged statements aside, HOW DARE an adult verbally (and then physically) assault a minor? [06.10.15 UPDATE: I've read that the Black teen girl who verbally and physically fought with her neighbor is at least 18 years old (and possibly 19 or 20). Soooooo, technically she's an adult herself. HOWEVER, I STILL STAND by my earlier point that adults shouldn't verbally or physically assault minors. ANNNNND since these were adults interacting the way those two did, it merely UNDERSCORES my following points...] First of all, adults should LEAD BY EXAMPLE and USE their WORDS (NOT their BODIES) to resolve conflicts. Second of all, since “words mean things” (shout out to Crissle from The Read), EACH OF US should endeavor to USE OUR WORDS CORRECTLY and to ONLY SPEAK TRUTHFULLY (as opposed to vomiting degrading, fallacious, and accusatory statements)!!! 

*sharply exhales negative energy*

ANNNNND I’ll stop there…

*calmly inhales positive energy*

…The REAL purpose of today’s post is actually NOT to rant, chastise, blame, or otherwise analyze various observations and commentary. All I really want to do is send up this truth on this Tuesday, June 9, 2015:

It behooves members of EVERY community in America to RESPECT the authority of law enforcement and become knowledgeable about your rights when interacting with the police.
HOWEVER, there is an equally important parallel imperative: EVERY individual in law enforcement who chose to protect and serve INEVITABLY DIVERSE communities MUST, at the very least, RESPECT the humanity of those with whom they interact.

*puts earbuds in and plays Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes' "Wake Up Everybody* ;-P

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Speaking My Piece

#NOTsoRandom fact about me: Coming to America is one of my FAVORITE MOVIES of ALL TIME!!!

BUT, I was EXTREMELY OFFENDED when I saw this meme in my Facebook and Instagram feeds yesterday:

Then, someone showed me this today:

*sighs in disgust*

After the red cleared out of my eyes and smoke stopped coming out of my ears, this blog was born and I felt compelled to say TWO (2) things to those who found those memes (and similar comments) funny and/or agree with the sentiment expressed; PLEASE:

1.) sop up your bigotry and ignorance with a biscuit (and throw it in the NEAREST trash can)...

I understand that not everyone agrees with or understands or even knows someone who is transgender. I know that it’s unrealistic for me to believe that I can convince every human in the world of the acute self-awareness, intense personal development and incredible courage it takes to transition. While I hope to change as many hearts and minds as I can, I will always remember that my torts professor in law school taught me that “reasonable minds may differ” on something (unfortunately, that also includes what is or is not bigotry and ignorance).

BUT, even if you don’t think that someone is a bigot and/or ignorant for referring to Caitlyn as Bruce or joking about “Grandpa Caitlyn”:

2.) for the Golden Rule’s sake, call her Caitlyn!!!

Someone (your parents, pastor, teacher, or friend [real or imaginary]) in your life has taught you or told you the “Golden Rule”: you should treat others the way you would want to be treated.

At work this afternoon, I had displeasure of hearing a radio personality on WHUR ask listeners in the DC Metro Area to weigh in on whether Caitlyn should be considered a man or woman (in light of an issue with the country club to which she’s a member).

First of all, morally, no one EXCEPT I Am that I Am (*baits biblical scholars*) can/will judge this (or any) situation.

Second, biologically speaking, the answer is clear.

Third, legally speaking, deciding to change the name and gender on identity documents is a decision for Caitlyn (or any transgender individual) to make personally with their attorneys as well as doctors to follow California (or their state's) law through the judicial system.

Finally, socially speaking, how Caitlyn wants to be addressed should be a non-issue.

*sighs (again) in disgust* 

#PetPeeve I hate it when people try to tell others what their individual truth is and/or how to honor their individual truth.

  • As a black person, it infuriates me when people of other races try to tell me how I should be black and/or what I should think/feel about my black experience in America. 
  • As a woman, it infuriates me when those who do not identify as a female tell me how I should be a woman and/or what I should think/feel as a woman. 
  • As an ally-ish to the LGBTQ community, it infuriates me when someone who doesn't identify as LGBTQIA (or isn’t otherwise in/around the fam) tries to tell a transgender woman how she should be identified and treated.

I am willing to bet one VERY crisp $20 bill with Harriet Tubman's face on it that many of the people weighing in on how Caitlyn should be addressed/received would not hesitate to buy underwear drenched with gasoline and a first class ticket to visit Lucifer for a person who provided unwarranted and unsolicited advice/judgments/commentary.

So, let me send up this truth on this Tuesday, June 2, 2015:
If you want other people to honor your wishes, honor Caitlyn’s wishes.
Your karma will thank you.

*in my Randy Watson voice* SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!! *drops mic and leaves stage*