Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Realized Power

#NOTsoRandom fact about me: One of my favorite episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is the episode where Aunt Viv turned 40 and, even though she hasn't danced for several years, she decided to audition for a modern dance performance.

Ultimately, she transcended external and internal doubts, expectations, pressures, and rigid construction of her own narrative to perform THIS:

While I have not recently celebrated a milestone birthday and overcome a midlife crisis through preparation for a dance audition, like Aunt Viv I’ve been on a journey to rediscover people, places, things, and activities that I love. As a result, I’ve tapped into a part of myself that was once shackled and silenced. Like Aunt Viv’s inner dancer, my inner advocate and the other attributes of my best/authentic self are once again free and empowered to be manifested.

I am resolved to embrace this quote by Audre Lorde which is also the Truth and Power Nugget I’m sending up on Tuesday, May 8, 2018:

Last week, I had the honor and privilege to participate in the Undoing Racism® Community Organizing Workshop facilitated by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (http://www.pisab.org/programs). This workshop was a constructively challenging, eye-opening experience that has affirmed my personal and professional transformation.

Chiefly, I am liberated to:
  • Speak truth to power,
  • Walk in my divine authority,
  • Use the gifts/talents I’ve been blessed with to make our world a better place, and
  • Be resolved to:

I will continue to raise my voice for honesty and truth and compassion through my community engagement as well as legal and/or legislative advocacy.

But, I also feel compelled to resume sharing truth with the people I care about (starting with myself and those in my inner circle) as I started with this “Truth Going Up on a Tuesday” blog nearly three years ago. I’m going to start by meaningfully engaging off-line first. Maybe, I’ll return transition back to this public forum someday. We’ll see...

In the meantime, I encourage you to repeat these #affirmations and let them positively transform your life on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 and beyond: 
  • I am POWERFUL and CENTERED at all times and NOTHING in this external universe will I allow to knock me off balance or center. 
  • I am whole and complete within myself. 
  • I am lovingly honest and genuine. 
  • Honest loving people are drawn to me and me to them.
  • Good things happen when I speak my truth. 
  • I am Deliberate and Afraid of Nothing. 

Go forth and have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!!