Tuesday, November 10, 2015


#NOTsoRandom Fact: On Friday, November 6, 2015, I learned that an employee at the Prince George’s County Courthouse decided to share on social media at least one thing she was thankful for EVERYDAY for the next thirty (30) days. She called it a “month-full of thankfuls.” I told her I thought her idea was BRILLIANT and that she inspired me to do the same :-D

The truth I want to send up during the week of Tuesday, November 10, 2015 is:

#CallToAction: Take a moment each day to reflect on at least one (1) thing you're thankful for.

Here's my list:
Wednesday 12/2/15
Eggs (literally AND figuratively)
Part 1: I’m grateful there’s someone who thinks I’m a good egg (I think J’s a good egg, too). Although we don’t know too much about each other’s “slight?” cracks (yet), YAY for the opportunity to get to know each other!!! *winks*:

Part 2: I’m also grateful for eggs prepared with care and appreciation that are cooked EXACTLY how I like them (especially, SANS a "how to cook my eggs" teachable moment...TEHEHE *smiles*)
Tuesday 12/1/15
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Although it was painful to accept the passing of a former love, it is merely a part of the circle of life. I will always appreciate who and how we were both to and for each other. May you find peace in His love.
Monday 11/30/15
God’s Grace on a Rainy Monday
Despite the fact that I did NOT deserve it, God blessed me anyhow this morning!!! *praise dance* I am TRULY grateful for the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
Sunday 11/29/15
The question “do you have a football team you follow?”
Banter about the Redskins facilitated the adjustment of half-opened doorway to be opened more fully…I'm grateful for the opportunity to explore the possibilities :-)
Reliable and genuine people are rare precious stones. While seeking forgiveness for dishonest words/deeds is possible, the best practice is to have your conscience productively and proactively drive your actions even when external eyes are not cognizant of your every move. 
A Philly-Based Travel Companion
Cheers to exploring the possibility of carry-ons, stowed luggage and SIRAP-type adventures :-)
Thursday 11/26/15
A cousin who is more like a sister
I'm grateful to share food and fellowship on Thanksgiving Day with my cousin, her boyfriend and their friends in Silver Spring (even though the Packers lost...WELP)!
Wednesday 11/25/15
My time, attention and affection are often locked behind tempered, shatterproof glass because I am valuable and know my worth. I’m thankful to be self-aware enough to know what I will allow, stop and reinforce. Yay for fruits borne of hours spent searching my soul and healing from a broken heart. I'm grateful for the ones with whom I share my time, attention and affection who either didn't have to be taught OR who learned well :-)  
Tuesday 11/24/15
Patti LaBelle's "Right Kind of Lover" song

The recent hype about her sweet  potato pie and James Wright’s now infamous video review on YouTube aside, I’m SHO-NUFF grateful for my romantic relationship goal to find someone “real…strong but tender…”; for who’s “…love I will surrender”; who can hold “…an interesting conversation every once in a while”; someone “…always prompt and attentive cuz my darling knows that is my style…right height…right build…goes to work everyday…pays bills…comes home in the evening”; ANNNNNNND who MUST “…rub[] me, OOH the right way!!!” (that’s how to keep a permanent smile on my face *winks*). I’ve played “Right Kind of Lover” SEVERAL times today. Each time, I’m like you betta SAAAAAAANNNNNNG it Patti!!! Now, to see if the pies are really worth being mentioned on Good Morning America and popping up in my timeline so frequently…
Monday 11/23/15
#MondayMotivation on Instagram
*cheers to "Mon-day" aka "My Day" and being committed to making this a MARVELOUS week*
Sunday 11/22/15
Time and chance happen to us all:

Pastor Howard-John Wesley preached a great sermon entitled "When Things Don't Make Sense." My pastor defined chance as "life's surprises." I experienced an unpleasant life surprise last week, so this sermon made me think about what doesn't make sense in my life (and what role fate, time, chance, and my choices played in my current situation). I personally don't believe in accidents or coincidences or mistakes. I think that everything happens for a reason and that whatever my choices are in life serve a greater purpose, are instructive in nature and will ultimately work for my good. At the same time, I agree with my pastor (and the scripture) that each of us are subject to unexpected things (good or bad) happening to them in time and by chance. However, I think that greater than any unexpected occurrences (good or bad) is how I choose to react. My actions (or failure to act) is an exercise of my individual free that can (and will) influence my fate. That's not to say I think that we live in a magical world where things just magically fall into place and there is no sadness/disappointment/frustration. That's not to say I don't think that life isn't (or won't be) difficult. I'm just saying that I try to live without regrets and to make the best out of every situation. As ends the poem "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley: "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
A *Spontaneous* Tampa-based Trucker
I’m grateful for laughs and smiles shared and exchanged almost effortlessly :-)
He's taught me important "dog lessons":

Thursday 11/19/15
The bulldog who knew that the last thing I wanted to hear today was "I'm sorry" or "you're awesome" or some cliché about closed doors and open windows.
Although Lianne La Havas was singing about a romantic situation, the chorus still holds true for platonic friendships also: "it's what you don't do, it's what you don't say." Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is hold space and refrain from saying all of the "right" things (or doing the "right" things). I'm grateful for a kindred spirit who has become one of my closest friends.
Wednesday 11/18/15
My Political Acumen
I grateful that analysis, constituent work, political messaging, planning and strategy excite me! I’m even more excited that I can channel this passion of mine to help people I know who are running for various positions. I’m not quite on Olivia Pope’s level (yet)…perhaps, one day *winks*
Tuesday 11/17/15
Creative and Peace Promoting Children & Angels on Earth 
Monday 11/16/15
Being reminded to check my cynicism and to be willing to give when I am able
I normally don’t carry cash. But, I needed some tangible bills to park at the courthouse so I got some cashback from the grocery store. As I was leaving, a man asked me if I could contribute to his bus fare. He said he lost his cash and needed to pick up his daughter. Without thinking and after barely looking at him, I told him I don’t carry cash and kept walking. I feel bad that living in the DC-area has desensitized me to these kinds of requests. IDK if he was telling the truth. But, after I realized I did actually have some cash on me, I gave him the few dollars I had. I’m grateful for the ability to help him and for being reminded I shouldn’t be so quick to brush requests for help off so quickly. If that were me (or someone I love), I’d want someone to help me (or them). So, when I can, I should help.  
Sunday 11/15/15
Opening up my heart to a jaguar
I truly believe friends are the family you choose. I'm thankful for my friends (not just because they support me but because I try to reciprocally support them). I'm working on a surprise for my jaguar friend today. She had my back when I needed an ear and a shoulder. I'm grateful for the opportunity to help her and encourage her as she trains for her marathon. MUST LISTEN:

My desire to build a house with "the one"
In case that sounds oddly abstract, this blog I wrote a few years ago that explains this desire a little further: http://tteotqs.blogspot.com/2012/12/i-want-house.html. Although at present I'm in a "focused on building friendship" head-space & heart-space, I truly look forward to a strong platonic friendship that evolves into a romantic relationship with someone I could honor with a lifelong commitment. IDK when house building will happen (or with whom I will build our house). But, I'm grateful for my "wanting a house" hope and the possibility of "sometime eventually" *smiles* 
Friday 11/13/15
Today, I was worried that someone's absent-minded forgetfulness would complicate my weekend. But, thankfully, that potential crisis was averted. Everything worked out (right on-time)!!! Today's experience reminded me of something I wrote on another one of my blogs (http://tteotqs.blogspot.com/2014/09/jehovah-jireh.html) a few years ago: "While I do not have all of what I want, I always have what I need. I do not always have what I need when I want it. But, I always have what I need when I need it." Today, especially, I'm so grateful that is STILL TRUE!
Thursday 11/12/15
Innocent Flirtation
I'm grateful to have exchanged genuine compliments (not forced or fake) with a stranger today. Yay for being able to honestly praise someone for their external attractiveness. Yay for being praised for your internal beauty.   
Wednesday 11/11/15
Members of all branches of the armed services make tremendous sacrifices for our country. To my father, uncles, aunts, cousins, and ALL service men and women, I am sincerely grateful for all that you done!!!
Tuesday 11/10/15
My license to practice law allowing me to protect minor children and disabled adults who often cannot protect themselves.
Often, people seek legal counsel when they’re in crisis. I consider it an honor and a privilege that my license to practice law permits me to use my logic, wit and words (either spoken or written) to help mend my client’s broken hearts/spirits/lives as well as help create peace and order where disarray exists. I wholeheartedly concur with what a fellow HU undergrad and NCCU Law alum @Jalawgirl said about lawyers in her recent IG post: “We truly work hard for our clients. Although we get a bad rap, lawyers work extremely hard to promote justice.” 
Monday 11/9/15
 My favorite Saints fan
Thanks for being there when I needed someone to literally and/or figuratively hold my hand when my chronic pain issue flares up.
Sunday 11/8/15
Being part of a church family that that not only is working tirelessly to improve circumstances in the present and future but also to honor the legacy and contribution of those who came before.
Rich in history itself, Alfred Street Baptist Church announced its donation of $1 million to the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture during worship service today. Please know that I do NOT claim to have given anything remotely close to a significant portion of $1 million dollars to ASBC. I'm grateful nonetheless to sow my humble little pennies on fertile ground.
Saturday 11/7/15 
Shelter & the HBCU Network
My mixed feelings about the #HomelessAtHoward situation aside, I'm glad that HBCU graduates pooled their resources to make sure that a recently displaced HU student has a place to lay his head for the rest of the 2015-2016 school year. I know firsthand the angst and anxiousness that burdens the heart and mind when you don’t have a place of your own to lay your head at night. It is a blessing to be safe, covered and warm.

By the way, to the people who think this (or any other) incident gives you the license to speak negatively about my alma mater: please, sip your tea quietly. I have (and always will) be SO GLAD I WENT TO HOWARD U!
Friday 11/6/15
My choice to attend North Carolina Central University’s School of Law and participate in its “Invest in Success” program
On National “Love Your Lawyer Day” the Maryland Board of Law Examiners released the July 2015 bar exam results. I’m so proud of this next cohort of attorneys to be sworn-in (especially, my friends...CONGRATS AGAIN *smiles*)!!! 

In particular, I’m grateful for NCCU Law’s “Invest in Success” program. I credit my passing the bar the first time to the genuine care about my personal well-being as well as the constructive criticism of my practice essays and MPTs by Dean Green and Prof. Burgess. Even though I didn’t need to use it, I LOVED how Dean Craig-Taylor gave her personal cell phone number to students studying for the bar exam in case we had an emergency. I don’t know of any other law school dean who’s done that!!! I wore the “one and done bracelet” she gave the 2014 NCCU Law graduates every day of bar prep and during the bar exam. 

Since to whom much is given, much is required, it is my hope that I can support others during their transition from being a law school graduate to a licensed attorney as I was so lovingly supported :-)

1 comment:

  1. This is AWESOME! You have ALOT to be thankful for -- and to be HAPPY about! Thank you for sharing!
