NOTsoRandom Fact: In observance of National Conflict Resolution Day on October 15, 2015, the Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO) sought entries for its 10th Annual Conflict Resolution Day Student Art Contest. Today, at an awards ceremony and reception, the Honorable Mary Ellen Barbera, Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals presented the awards. My heart smiled as I perused the best 1,000 entries on display at the Judicial Education and Conference Center in Annapolis! It was INSPIRING & UPLIFTING to see Maryland students in grades K through 8 share their creative expressions and reflections about conflict resolution. *smiles* Both the young (and the young at heart) should follow this winner's lead:
Our world could truly benefit from an infusion of peace right now...
Our world could truly benefit from an infusion of peace right now...
...In the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks on the City of Lights last
Friday night, I was truly saddened by the tragic loss of so many human lives. As anxiety, unimaginable grief and international religious tension rise, the narratives about Paris in the media that
have positively impacted me the most are the "human interest" stories about caring people who offered comfort to those injured immediately after the attack. The strangers who, although they could not administer first aid, held
the hands of the dying or who helped the injured to safety. These angels on Earth personified what is often, although mistakenly, referred to as the "Prayer
of St Francis":
The truth I want to send up during the week of November 17, 2015 is, notwithstanding
how you may feel about the last line or religion generally, the sentiments expressed in this prayer can speak to ALL of
us no matter who/what we pray to (or even if you do not pray at all).
In this time when many #PrayForParis, and for EVERYWHERE there is trouble in our world, individually and collectively each of us should seek to promote:
Especially, in light of the threats made to my Nation's Capital (that
I live right down the street from and that people I care about live/work in
every day), what I will do is:
#CallToAction: However you center yourself and "release and summon positive
vibes" do that, please...
…Our world needs our collective good will :-)
[Annnnnnnnnnd my dream to one day share a loving embrace and passionate kiss with the love of my life from atop the Eiffel Tower in Paris could depend on it too *blushes*]
[Annnnnnnnnnd my dream to one day share a loving embrace and passionate kiss with the love of my life from atop the Eiffel Tower in Paris could depend on it too *blushes*]
Excellent post! Perfectly timed event. The 1st place winner's submission gave me chills. So glad you were able to attend. I also love how you ended it as I "Keep Calm and Pray for Peace"!